[Massplanners] Hiring Senior Housing Consultant

Elizabeth Hughes ehughes at concordma.gov
Wed Sep 7 13:03:35 EDT 2022

The Regional Housing Services Office (RHSO, www.RHSOHousing.org<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/9EG-CjRgAxFnZpDRIRnYfr?domain=rhsohousing.org/>) is hiring a Senior Housing Consultant.

The best referral is word of mouth!  Please consider this opportunity and pass along to other who might be interested in this unique opportunity for a local impactful position.

This position offers detailed work in a broad range of affordable housing activities, from helping residents (rental assistance, homeownership purchases), assisting municipalities with new developments and monitoring existing developments, and working with our state agency partners to further affordable housing in the service area.

The RHSO is an innovative inter-municipal collaborative between Acton, Bedford, Concord, Lexington, Lincoln, Maynard, Sudbury, Wayland and Weston.  The RHSO work centers around monitoring existing developments with affordable housing components, assisting with new developments, administering the HOME Program for members communities, administering mortgage and rental assistance programs, performing lottery and resale agent services, managing the Subsidized Housing Inventory, assessing compliance with Fair Housing practices, assisting with housing plans as well as other housing activities and functions as requested.

This work requires some experience with housing subsidy programs (local, state, and federal), monitoring existing developments regulations and legislation, including M.G.L. Chapter 40B permitting processes as well as Fair Housing laws and practices; affordable housing restrictions; and monitoring practices.
We are excited to be able to expand the position with additional funding to the position bringing it to 30 hours per week.  This position can be mostly a telework position, with one day in-office, more if desired.

The Job Posting can be found here:
Senior Housing Consultant | Citizens' Housing And Planning Association (chapa.org)<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/ebOOClYk8zF26gmXUqLdrq?domain=chapa.org>

The position is filled via RFP, found here:
Bid Postings * Concord, MA * CivicEngage (concordma.gov)<https://concordma.gov/bids.aspx?bidID=117>


Elizabeth Hughes, Town Planner
Concord Planning Division
141 Keyes Road
Concord, MA 01742

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