[Massplanners] Juneteenth Follow Up

A.Michel alleymichel at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 14:17:05 EDT 2022

Dear Liz and everyone,

Speaking personally, I wasn't concerned about the validity. I am glad
that the discussion is being happened, but not surprised that there would
dissent - of any kind, even the resistance to give staff another day off.

Some municipalities such as Cambridge, MA do a rotation of
alternate holidays as off-days per year.

But I want to say a bit more about the significance of Juneteenth and why
it should be simply regarded as a day to take off...

A network of planners of color, of which I am a part, was discussing this.
We talked about, as Raul spoke to, the importance of making sure that
rather than simply having a day off, there ought to be mandatory learning
opportunities involved.

I know of many prominent leaders (heads of institutions, even in Congress),
who, prompted after the murder of George Flloyd and the protests, had
shared with me they never even knew about Juneteenth before. I wish I was
shocked but I wasn't. My response each time was that they should make a
concerted effort to educate themselves and their peers about it.

Most holidays were created to allow people to participate in community
events of remembrance, education, and emulation. It validates the events or
people involved in the memorial. Black American holidays have
historically not been recognized in the US, and when they are, the focus
tends to be celebratory more than reflective.

Much like how MLK Day became focused on community service in years after
the holiday was passed, it is important that there be some form of
education for people who don't understand what Juneteenth is all about.

If we are to heal as a country, part of the racial justice work ahead of us
is to ensure that there is enforcement around expanding one's cultural
knowledge and awareness about the origins of these holidays and the social
impact message they are intended for. This way, the holiday plays a role in
forwarding tangible change efforts rather than another reinforcement of
false-performative events and lip service.

I hope this helps you in your reflections.


*Allentza Michel <https://sites.google.com/site/alleyscollectibleemporium>*
Urban Planning & Policy | Arts | Civic Design | EDI
Powerful Pathways <http://www.powerfulpathways.org/>
617 819 4783

On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 1:52 PM Liz Allard via MassPlanners <
massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:

> Thank you everyone for your responses.
> Unfortunately I need to ask further questions as there were a number of
> questions from the Personnel Board. Let me clear, no one is debating the
> validity of the holiday.  What is being debated is giving the employees
> another paid day off.
>    1. If Juneteenth has been accepted as a holiday, has it been added to
>    the existing list of holidays or did it replace an existing holiday?
>    2. If accepted, what is now the total number of holidays observed each
>    year in your community?
>    3. Is the holiday observed as a floating holiday? If so, are there
>    stipulations as to a timeframe in which it must be taken (such as within 30
>    days)?
>    4. Is it considered a floating holiday with another holiday, in which
>    you are allowed to take one or the other?  For example, you can take
>    Patriots Day off, but not Juneteenth Day, or vice versa
> Your assistance in answering these questions is very appreciated.
> Liz Allard
> Land Use Administrator/
> Conservation Agent
> Town of Harvard
> 13 Ayer Road
> Harvard, MA 01451
> 978-456-4100 ext. 321
> ------------------------------
> *From:* MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> on behalf of
> Christopher Ryan via MassPlanners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:25 PM
> *To:* Massplanners Listserv (MassPlanners at masscptc.org) <
> MassPlanners at masscptc.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Massplanners] Juneteenth Follow Up
> Thank you all for the overwhelming, timely response. I was no help to Liz
> because I’m the guy who responds to a “See you Tuesday.” with a “Huh, what?”
> Chris
> =============================================
> *Christopher J. Ryan, AICP*
> Director of Community and Economic Development
> Town of Harvard
> 13 Ayer Road
> Harvard, MA  01451
> Tel: 978.456.4100 x.323
> Email: cryan at harvard-ma.gov
> Web: http://www.harvard-ma.gov
> ****Please note new email address and domain as of 9/1/21
> email is now cryan at harvard-ma.gov. Please change in your
> contacts list.
> =============================================
> *From:* MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> *On Behalf Of *Christopher
> Ryan via MassPlanners
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 22, 2022 12:42 PM
> *To:* Massplanners Listserv (MassPlanners at masscptc.org) <
> MassPlanners at masscptc.org>
> *Subject:* [Massplanners] Juneteenth Follow Up
> Hi all,
> Asking this for our Conservation Agent:
> This question was asked previously, however a search of the results only
> show 2 communities that have accepted Juneteenth Day as an observed holiday.
> I am asking again for a response to this question as it is up for
> discussion at our personnel board meeting next week.
> Thank you in advance for your responses.
> =============================================
> *Christopher J. Ryan, AICP*
> Director of Community and Economic Development
> Town of Harvard
> 13 Ayer Road
> Harvard, MA  01451
> Tel: 978.456.4100 x.323
> Email: cryan at harvard-ma.gov
> Web: http://www.harvard-ma.gov
> ****Please note new email address and domain as of 9/1/21
> email is now cryan at harvard-ma.gov. Please change in your
> contacts list.
> =============================================
> --
> MassPlanners mailing list
> MassPlanners at masscptc.org
> http://masscptc.org/mailman/listinfo/massplanners_masscptc.org
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