[Massplanners] Reproducible Mylars

Katrina O'leary katrina.oleary at middletonma.gov
Wed Mar 23 08:27:37 EDT 2022

I'm working on updating our Subdivision Regulations and am thinking about why we require developers to submit mylar reproducible versions of the definitive subdivision plans with their applications when it's almost certain that changes will have to be made to the plans during the process.  Does the unsigned mylar version have any legal weight over a paper plan?  I expect engineers can print out mylar plans just as easy as paper plans.

I know we have always held on to the mylar version in the office until the definitive subdivision was approved - and then we give it back to the developer so that they can make any necessary changes.  But usually, during the process, we receive paper copies of any changes made during the process.

Why is it important to have the mylar version in the beginning?

Katrina O'Leary, AICP
Middleton Town Planner
195 North Main Street     Middleton, MA   01949     PH: (978)777-8917
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