[Massplanners] Job Posting for Norton Planning Director

Paul DiGiuseppe pdigiuseppe at nortonmaus.com
Thu Jun 16 16:26:26 EDT 2022

Hi Everyone:

As I'll be moving on to another municipality , the Town of Norton is posting for the Director of Planning and Economic Development.  I have nothing but great things to say about Norton and found this to be a great experience. In a nutshell:  I had freedom to initiate projects which were supported by the Town Manager and various boards; Town staff were some of the nicest people I've known (great team support and had fun); and will be seeing some transformative projects in the future including a Rail Trail, new Town Hall and the redevelopment of a former mill.

If interested, please apply at https://www.nortonma.org/employment-opportunities

Take care,


Paul DiGiuseppe, CNU-A, MPA
Director of Planning & Economic Development
Town of Norton, MA
508-285-0279 | pdigiuseppe at nortonmaus.com<mailto:pdigiuseppe at nortonmaus.com>
774-265-3208 Cell

DPED webpage: .nortonma.org/planning-economic-development<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.nortonma.org_planning-2Deconomic-2Ddevelopment&d=DwMFAg&c=Xhn9KFvv0VrhnMFbYtQjTGdTU13Xl3cIMh34YNGAA48&r=Jf63VrnZIRUul129mOwe76j86yYLRoydSjobUGhLmKM&m=hont5VqZ25gU7vxitgtYKfVyKlEjClaeLU8BG-7Kzz0&s=Yx-5PJB19W2S74QTGquAH_1L00H5tKwgUF-uFxhxfsk&e=>
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