[Massplanners] Massachusetts Land Conservation Data and Tools webinar

Citizen Planner Training Collaborative masscptc at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 13:52:49 EDT 2022

Massachusetts Land Conservation Data and Tools webinar will be on Monday,
June 13th at 6 pm. Last day to register is Saturday, June 11th by 6 pm.
Umass Extension Professor Scott Jackson will introduce tools and data that
help identify areas of high conservation value. Information from these
analyses and tools are particularly useful for the development of Open
Space and Recreation Plans, but they are also useful for guiding
development away from lands of high ecological value, via master plans,
economic development plans, transportation improvement plans, Municipal
Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) plans, bylaws, and zoning.
To register go to: https://masscptc.org/index.php/training/webinar-series/
Alan Pease
Citizen Planner Training Collaborative
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