[Massplanners] conservation funds

Courtney Starling cstarling at doverma.gov
Fri Jan 21 12:58:06 EST 2022

Hi Fellow Planners,

The Dover BOS is interested in how other communities fund open space
acquisitions -- particularly in those communities that have not yet adopted
CPA.  However, the town is frequently approached by landowners looking to
sell CRs or land in fee simple and they would like to establish a fund to
be more easily responsive to those requests that align with local
conservation goals. As funds without funding sources tend to be
unsuccessful, I'm interested to hear what other folks have tried.

Thank you,

*Courtney Starling, AICP*
*Land Use Director*
Town of Dover
5 Springdale Avenue
Dover, MA 02030
T: (508)785-0032 x240
F: (508)785-8114

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