[Massplanners] Small Town Capacity - Need Ideas

Christopher Ryan cryan at harvard-ma.gov
Wed Feb 2 09:16:03 EST 2022

Hi all

MRPC is finishing up a DLTA project for us related to our Agricultural Advisory Commission and they need more data. I will post their planners questions below but I want to emphasize that even though they are looking for ways in general that Ag Commissions find creative ways to find staff or other types of assistance, we (Harvard) are particularly interested in this question because our Commission is desperately trying to find ways to carry out action items in the Town's Climate Action Plan, but does not have the capacity to work on actions.

So if your community has an Ag Committee, if you work on Ag or climate action issues, please respond or pass this along to someone who might be able to offer MRPC and I some ideas. Thanks in advance


Here is MRPC planners set of questions *

Hello everyone, my name is Tyler Godin. I am a regional planner at the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) and the MRPC is currently working on a Staffing and Best Practices Study for the Town of Harvard's Agricultural Advisory Commission. One of the major issues the Harvard AgCom is facing is finding personnel or other forms of staffing or volunteer assistance to help accomplish their ambitious goals. They are eager to learn how other AgComs find personnel or help. They're also interested in grants/funding sources that can support their AgCom and agricultural community, regionalization opportunities and any best practices for AgComs.

If anyone has any information on the following please let me know

  *   AgCom volunteer/staff recruitment
  *   Funding/grants to support AgCom staff. This can be state, federal, or private/non-profit.
  *   Regionalization opportunities
  *   Seed funding for agricultural organizations
  *   Best practices for AgComs

Please feel free to forward this to anyone else who may not be on this listserv that you think could help in some way.

Thank you

Christopher J. Ryan, AICP
Director of Community and Economic Development
Town of Harvard
13 Ayer Road
Harvard, MA  01451
Tel: 978.456.4100 x.323
Email: cryan at harvard-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at harvard-ma.gov>
Web: http://www.harvard-ma.gov<http://www.harvard-ma.gov/>

**Please note new email address and domain as of 9/1/21
email is now cryan at harvard-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at harvard-ma.gov>. Please change in your
contacts list.

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