[Massplanners] Master Plan Steering Committee Work Plan?

Corrin Meise-Munns cmeisemunns at longmeadow.org
Tue Dec 6 08:59:00 EST 2022

Hello all,

I am looking for examples of work plans for our Long Range Plan Steering
Committee. I have a pretty solid charge that describes their role in
advising and supporting the planning consultants, but am now trying to
draft an actual work plan. I have an upcoming meeting with the consultants
to discuss, and in the meantime would like to see some precedents of what
other communities have done in the past. Please let me know if you have
anything to share.

Oh -- and a belated thank you to everyone who sent me information on their
master plan steering committee membership. I got so many very helpful


*Corrin Meise-Munns* *(she/her)*
Assistant Town Manager / Director of Planning & Community Development
Town of Longmeadow, MA
(413) 565-4110
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