[Massplanners] seeking citation(s) about community engagement (under)funding

Betsy Loring betsy at exploringexhibits.com
Thu Dec 1 11:24:02 EST 2022

Hello Brilliant Mass Planners,

Long time lurker, first time poster here. I often read and hear planners
describing community engagement as being chronically under-resourced (time
as well as funding).

Can anyone point me to so citations - even expert opinions - that back that
up? I'm assuming that such a thing would be a survey of planners'
professional judgement, rather than some assessment comparing actual
budgets and schedules against some stated best practice metric. But -
anything would be of interest.

(And if you're interested in *why* I'm seeking this, I'm a museum exhibit
professional who has been collecting and disseminating stories about
museums partnering with planning organizations, usually around community
engagement. Some of these project, including an exhibit I worked on with
UMass LARP professors, are described in this article
Given how prevalent community engagement is in APA's research agenda
<https://www.planning.org/foundation/initiatives/research/>, I am hoping
that museums' expertise in engaging people in complex socio-scientific
topics can be a resource for more communities.)

Thanks in advance for your brains!
Betsy Loring
expLoring exhibits & engagement, LLC
6 Farnum Street
Worcester, MA 01602

Phone: +1 (978) 618 - 9673
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