[Massplanners] Park Visitorship Surveys

Corrin Meise-Munns cmeisemunns at longmeadow.org
Tue Aug 23 12:12:35 EDT 2022


Longmeadow would like to better understand visitorship demographics of a
specific park in town -- specifically to understand if the park draws
visitors from out of town. We are considering posting a QR code - linked
survey at the park entrances via which visitors could indicate their
town/city of residence, why they chose to attend this park, and perhaps
what their planned activities are for their visit. Have any of your
communities posted similar surveys at your parks? Do you have suggestions
for what worked / what could have worked better?

Thanks for any insights,


*Corrin Meise-Munns* *(she/her)*
Assistant Town Manager / Director of Planning & Community Development
Town of Longmeadow, MA
(413) 565-4110
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