[Massplanners] Webinar: Bridging the Digital Divide Aug 22

Dottie Fulginiti dfulginiti at ocpcrpa.org
Thu Aug 11 12:46:41 EDT 2022

Join Old Colony Planning Council on Monday August 22 at 10am to hear three industry leaders speak about the  Digital Divide and impacts on municipalities, educational institutions, healthcare and the aging population. They will talk about their specific sectors and share ideas about how organizations can identify needs and work on solutions to close the gaps.

Josh Eichen
Program Manager, Partnerships, Massachusetts Broadband Institute

James Fuccione
Director, MA Healthy Aging Collaborative

Jenny Miller
Director, Government Affairs, EducationSuperHighway

Who should attend: municipal and business IT managers, Town Managers/Administrators, Municipal Planners, Education leaders, Councils on Aging and anyone that participates in decisions about funding of infrastructure.

This webinar is hosted by Old Colony Planning Council and its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee.

REGISTRATION LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vIgsuhkOTfepvkqSxrEE0A

Dottie Fulginiti
Economic Recovery Planner
tel (774) 539-2905 | mob (508) 272-8105

Old Colony Planning Council
70 School Street, Brockton, MA 02301 | fax (508) 559-8768

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