[Massplanners] Two great job opportunities in Middleborough

Paul DiGiuseppe PDiGiuseppe at middleboroughma.gov
Wed Aug 10 16:14:05 EDT 2022

Hi Everyone:

The Town of Middleborough has two excellent job openings within our Office of Economic and Community Development.  With our efforts to promote our Downtown, the Middleborough Business Resource Center, tourism, priority development areas, housing, historic preservation and more, we are in need of a Grant Writer as well as a Communications, Outreach and Engagement Specialist.  You can find more information by going to https://www.middleborough.com/Jobs.aspx .  In both cases, please email me a cover letter and resume.  Please don't hesitate to  contact me if you have questions about either position.

Have a great week!


Paul DiGiuseppe
Director, Office of Economic and Community Development
Town of Middleborough
Annex Building
20 Centre Street, 3rd Floor
508-946-2402 Office
774-419-6369 Cell

Please note:  All Town email addresses have changed to @MiddleboroughMA.GOV.  Please update your address books accordingly.

When responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is public record and therefore cannot be kept confidential.
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