[Massplanners] Simple majority threshold question for OSRD

Alyssa Larose ALarose at frcog.org
Mon Sep 27 10:58:06 EDT 2021


Another question - I'm assisting a community with a new bylaw that would provide an Open Space Residential Development option in their village zoning districts. The intent is to balance new infill housing with open space. They hope to present this at a Special Town Meeting for a simple majority vote under the new Housing Choice changes in 40A.

The definition in 40A for OSRD states - "Open space residential development" a residential development in which the buildings and accessory uses are clustered together into 1 or more groups separated from adjacent property and other groups within the development by intervening open land..."

The examples we have been showing the public do not necessarily have "intervening open land" between clusters of homes and adjacent property, including examples recently highlighted in MHP's Housing Institute presentation on Housing Choice. However, it appears the community may not be able to take advantage of the simple majority vote unless the proposed bylaw requires open land between individual lots and adjacent property - which may make it harder to accomplish small infill projects, like cottage clusters.

I'm wondering if anyone else has dealt with this detail of the new OSRD definition? Can setbacks for individual lots/structures be considered "open land" or does "open land" have to be part of the protected open space?

Any guidance is much appreciated.


Alyssa Larose
Senior Land Use & Housing Planner
Franklin Regional Council of Governments
12 Olive Street, Suite 2
Greenfield, MA 01301
413-774-3167 x127
alarose at frcog.org<mailto:alarose at frcog.org>

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