[Massplanners] Call for new TDI Districts!

Anabelle Rondon anabellerp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 17:12:03 EDT 2021

Our Call for new TDI districts is now live for our Gateway City partners.
The deadline to apply is Friday, October 22 by 11:59 pm. See more details

Feel free to send questions my way: arondon at massdevelopment.com.



Dear Gateway City partners,

I’m excited to let you know that the third TDI Call for Districts is now
live! This is the application process to select the next round of TDI
Districts. We’re anticipating making selections by the end of the year,
spending the winter and spring doing partnership development work with the
selected partnerships, and hiring new fellows to start sometime in summer

Please read the instructions carefully, as the eligibility and process have
changed from previous rounds. Please note that we have eligibility paths
for both cities we have yet to work with and for cities where we have
worked with TDI Districts in the past. Please also note that this year we
are heavily emphasizing the partnership portion of this work.

We will have plenty of opportunities to interact during the application
process, including multiple webinars and weekly “office hours” with our
team. Our first webinar will be on *Monday, September 20, from 3-4:3-pm.* Until
that time, please read through the instructions and application to get
familiar with the content and reach out to some initial partners that you
think should join the webinars next week.

Applications are due Friday, October 22 by 11:59 P.M.

You can find the application and register for the webinars here:


All my best,


*Noah Koretz*


Director of Transformative Development


99 High Street

Boston, MA 02110

*Direct:* 617.330.2015

*Mobile: *617.413.5340

*Email:* nkoretz at massdevelopment.com

*Website:* massdevelopment.com <http://www.massdevelopment.com/>

*Twitter:* @MassDev <http://www.twitter.com/massdev>

*Instagram:* @my_tdi <https://www.instagram.com/my_tdi/>
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