[Massplanners] Job Posting: Lowell National Historical Park

McCall, Christine CMcCall at lowellma.gov
Tue Sep 14 11:43:48 EDT 2021

Attention Planners, Lowell National Historical Park is hiring!<https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/613272900>

Lowell's architectural resources include an incredible 5.6-mile historic canal system - designated as a National Historic Landmark District and National Civil/Mechanical Engineering Landmark, over 500 historic 19th and early 20th century buildings, over 5 million square feet of industrial mill complexes, an operating textile factory floor, and 3 museum exhibits. The national park operates as one of many community partners working together to preserve historical resources, improve access to and within the national park, and contribute to revitalization of the city.

The planner will work on a range of planning, design, and development projects including those with a nexus to the canal infrastructure, trolley, trails, historical industrial architecture, and local community organizations. The planner will coordinate with dozens of partners on transformative community development projects and partnership agreements. Additionally, the planner serves on the leadership team of the park, helping shape management decisions for an organization of 66 full-time and 33 part-time employees.

This position is posted on USA Jobs<https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/613272900> to candidates within and outside of the government. The position closes 9/20/21.

Christine McCall, AICP | Assistant City Manager/DPD Director
Department of Planning and Development
t: 978.674.1401  | f: 978.970.4262 |

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