[Massplanners] Mass COVID retirement bill

Leeann Bradley bradleyl at middleborough.com
Tue Jun 15 10:14:24 EDT 2021

Good Morning,

Does anyone know the particulars on this?  I know that towns operated quite differently throughout COVID.  We were back to work within the town hall at the beginning of April 2020 but some towns worked remotely until quite recently.  Our TM made it clear that we were considered essential employees.  Hopefully this is the case with respect to this bill.  Who makes the decision as to whom is considered an essential employee and who notifies the retirement association?  Thanks.


Leeann Bradley
Town Planner
Town Hall Annex
20 Center Street
Middleborough, MA 02346
508-946-2425 ext. 1150

Please note:  The Town of Middleborough will be transitioning to .gov over the next several months.  All Town email addresses are scheduled to change from @middleborough.com to @middleboroughma.gov.  All mail to the middleborough.com addresses will still go through for the remainder of the calendar year.   Please update your address books accordingly.

When responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is public record and therefore cannot be kept confidential.
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