[Massplanners] Thank you all for the feedback!

Furtado, Jacqueline (SEA) jacqueline.furtado at state.ma.us
Fri Jun 11 14:57:36 EDT 2021

Fellow Planners,

My state email handle has been updated to mass.gov since my initial membership with the MassPlanners Listserve. When the migration occurred, I think there was a discrepancy with my older email handle, state.ma.us (which actually still works as well - but both were registered with MassPlanners causing a conflict). So I had not been receiving emails from all of you wonderful people (I store them in my arsenal of resources and refer as needed). So once Doug identified and fixed the problem, he asked me to send a test email to the Listserve.

I've received quite a few responses confirming that you have received my email and I truly appreciate that. But I wanted to inform of the reason I sent that email and that I'm now all set.

Have a great weekend!


Jacqueline Furtado, AICP
Senior Planning & Program Manager, MassWorks Infrastructure Program
Executive Office of Housing & Economic Development
One Ashburton Place, Suite 2101 | Boston, MA 02108
O: (617) 788-3649 | C: (617) 894-7755 | Email: jacqueline.furtado at mass.gov<mailto:jacqueline.furtado at mass.gov>
Websites: mass.gov/hed<https://mass.gov/hed> | mass.gov/massworks

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