[Massplanners] Hybrid Public Meetings

Edward Connell transportationsystemsplanning at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 21:30:07 EDT 2021

We did a hybrid meeting  in Coventry Vermont on Monday night  for  our
Select Board meeting - it was very low tech but a high quality speaker/mic
makes a big difference

Feel free to  check it out on our YouTube channel  - townofcoventryvt - it
is the June 7 meeting

A video feed for  the public and staff is still needed to be fully covered
and prepared

For more info contact me at townadministrator at coventryvt.org - Thanks

On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, 10:49 AM Katrina O'leary <
katrina.oleary at middletonma.gov> wrote:

> Hi.
> I’m preparing for our first “in person” meeting in over a year.  Even if
> legislation passes allowing an extension of remote meetings, we had to
> include a location for our June 24 public hearings in the required legal
> advertisements 3 weeks before the meeting and could not “wait and see” if
> the extension legislation would become law before that time.  However, I
> have decided to add a Zoom link to the agenda for the meeting because as I
> read the Open Meeting Law, it is only the “public body” that has to be “in
> person.”  This means that members of the public can choose to go to the
> meeting “in person” or log into the meeting via Zoom.
> Is anyone else trying out a hybrid version of their public meetings?  I
> plan to have each member use the chromebooks we have stored at the meeting
> site for them and I’ll set up a chromebook at a podium facing the public so
> that if anyone from the public speaks, they will stand in front of the
> podium and be seen/heard on Zoom.  Hopefully, the “in person” public
> participants will be able to hear members of the public that are
> participating remotely via Zoom, too.  I’m hesitant to try and connect my
> laptop to the projector as I’ll be sharing via Zoom, etc.  I’m fairly tech
> savvy but I’m afraid I’m going to struggle with all the new technology.
> Is there a better way to arrange a hybrid meeting?  I don’t have much tech
> support other than the crew that usually video records our meetings – which
> may become obsolete if Zoom recordings are made every meeting.
> *Katrina O'Leary, AICP   *
> *Middleton Town Planner*
> 195 North Main Street     Middleton, MA   01949     PH: (978)777-8917
> *When responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of
> State has determined that most email is public record and, therefore,
> cannot be kept confidential.*
> --
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