[Massplanners] Downtown Design Guidelines

Jessica Porter jessicaleeporter at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 17:35:05 EDT 2021

Dedham has recently done design guidelines for each of our central business
districts. The Dedham Square design guidelines were done with David
Gamble/Gamble & Associates in 2018. They are here:
The page has the final guidelines as well as links to different meetings
and aspects of the process. Dedham Square is our Downtown area. (It’s easy
to miss the documents themselves - they are on the left of the page in the
colored bar.)

We have another commercial area called East Dedham Square, which we rezoned
to CBD and did design guidelines for almost ten years ago with MAPC.

Good luck!

Jessica Porter
Dedham Planning Board

On July 9, 2021 at 1:40:48 PM, Dan Fortier (dfortier at town.dennis.ma.us)

Here are the Dennis Port Design Guidelines, it implements Section 8 of the
Dennis Zoning By-law.


Most of the specifics are in the by-law, the guidelines provided
illustrations to reinforce what is in the zoning.

Daniel J. Fortier, Sr. AICP

Dennis Town Planner

Town of Dennis

685 Route 134

South Dennis MA 02660


*From: *Emily Hutchings <ehutchings at beverlyma.gov>
*Sent: *Thursday, July 8, 2021 4:56 PM
*To: *massplanners at masscptc.org
*Subject: *[Massplanners] Downtown Design Guidelines

Hello All,

Has anyone recently gone through the process of updating or developing new
downtown design guidelines, and would be willing to share their guidelines
and/or RFPs, if you worked with a consultant?

Thank you,


Emily Hutchings, AICP

*City of Beverly*

*Assistant Planning Director*


*ehutchings at beverlyma.gov <ehutchings at beverlyma.gov>*

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