[Massplanners] MAPC releases "Get It Rolling" - a guide for bus improvements

Marah Holland marahjholland at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 12:51:02 EDT 2021

Hi everyone,

Recently, MAPC released its "Get It Rolling"
guide, and we wanted to share it with the MA planning community.

The guide <https://www.mapc.org/resource-library/get-it-rolling/> lays out
steps to help municipal staff, community leaders, and advocates launch
successful bus improvements in high ridership, high delay corridors. These
projects are important tools in achieving climate, equity, and transit
goals, as well as improving quality of life for the thousands of people in
our region (and beyond).

The workbook <https://www.mapc.org/resource-library/get-it-rolling/>
provides an overview of how to improve bus transit, implement pilot
programs, and communicate with community members. It identifies crucial
stakeholders and project milestones, offers examples of successful
strategies, and distills lessons learned.

While every project won’t be the same, “Get it Rolling
<https://www.mapc.org/resource-library/get-it-rolling/>” offers a framework
to begin, offering tips, questions to consider, resources, and examples.

The information in "Get It Rolling” was distilled from studying six local
bus priority projects that started turning the wheels of change in the
region. These projects were the first to involve quick, temporary, and easy
to change elements in order to influence the permanent design. This guide
includes case studies for each of the six projects studied as well as a quick
3-page overview of the suggested steps
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the guide!

Marah Holland
MAPC Transportation Planner
Public health & Urban Planning professional
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/marahholland/> | Twitter:
@MarahHolland <https://twitter.com/MarahHolland>
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