[Massplanners] Creating a land acquisition/protection strategy

Daniel Beckley dbeckley at northandoverma.gov
Wed Dec 15 14:50:12 EST 2021

Hi planners,

The Town of North Andover has a number of open space protection goals
outlined in multiple planning documents that we have been looking into
organizing into a cohesive land acquisition/protection strategy. We’re
faced with the challenge of determining how best to prioritize land for
protection and how the process for doing so should work.

I would be interested to know how your municipality/jurisdiction has
approached open space protection, especially working with various
stakeholders, coordinating goals from multiple plans, and prioritizing land
for protection. Your responses to this short multiple choice survey would
be helpful: https://forms.gle/KTrsWtK9bMCmub9v6

There’s an optional open response section, if anyone would rather comment
more generally on the topic. If I get more than a couple survey responses,
I’ll compile the anonymous data and share with folks.

Thank you!


Dan Beckley

Staff Planner
Town of North Andover
120 Main Street
North Andover, MA 01845
dbeckley at northandoverma.gov
Phone: (978) 688-9535

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Visit us 
online at *www.northandoverma.gov* <http://www.northandoverma.gov>.
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