[Massplanners] Fw: Last Day in Falmouth

Thomas Bott tbott.townplanner at verizon.net
Fri Dec 3 22:37:14 EST 2021

Dear Planner Types:
Today is my last day in Falmouth. I'll chime in again when I have a new affiliation per the List Serve rules, an excerpt of which is pasted below for your convenience.  

When you send a message or question to the list, include your full name and affiliation.  This policy is to prevent anonymous postings on massplanners.  In other words, at the end of your message include your first name, last name and organization name (municipality you work for, agency, company, etc).  For consistency amongst all subscribers, this is required even when your email address includes this information.   If you do not have a planning related organization to include under your name, include the city or town in which you reside.

Under the unwritten "Friday post" rules I will continue typing after I should have stopped. 
I thought about channeling Gertrude Stein for my affiliation from Everybody's Autobiography (1937), concerning the fact that her childhood home in Oakland, California no longer existed.   https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/there_is_no_there_there   (I wouldn't want Plimoth MASS blamed for any of my posts.) But I've been to Oakland, my son lives there and I can report, that at least in 2019, it was still there and also that it gets a bad wrap.  I'd also likely be swaying way out of my lane trying to affiliate myself with icons in doing so. So at least for today I'll  use the strikethrough font.Peace and Love and best wishes for a safe and healthy holiday season.TBott
Thomas Bott Town Planner Falmouth, MASS
You too could follow me on Twitter @TBottPlimoth but it clearly isn’t necessary  
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