[Massplanners] Statute of Limitations on Town Meeting Vote

Rachel Benson RBenson at wrentham.ma.us
Tue Aug 17 13:52:04 EDT 2021

Hi All,
Would anyone out there be able to share what the statute of limitations is on a Town Meeting vote of "Indefinite Postponement" on zoning amendments?

Background: In 2005, 22 Zoning Amendments were proposed at a Special Town Meeting. All 22 were unanimously voted down due to the residents not having enough information on the articles. Furthermore, the residents voted to indefinitely postpone all those articles.
Our Town Clerk was not clear on what if any was the time table to bring these articles back up at Town Meeting and if we do bring them back up (not all 22 at once...craziness!!) would they have to be substantially different than originally proposed.

Thank you in advance!

Thank you and have a great day!

Rachel Benson
Director of Planning & Economic Development
Town of Wrentham
79 South Street
Wrentham, MA  02093

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